Mindful Managers is een EU gefinancierd project dat gericht is op het ontwikkelen van vaardigheden en competenties bij managers uit de publieke sector. Daarnaast wil het project mentaal welzijn positief benaderen en de veerkracht op het werk vergroten met behulp van een e-learningtool rond gamification. Mindful Managers promoot werkplekleren (WPL) en baseert zich daarvoor op begeleiding en coaching op het werk. Het project heeft de volgende doelen:

  • Het bespreekbaar maken van het thema: mentaal welzijn op het werk
  • Managers tools en middelen aanreiken om mentaal welzijn op het werk actief te ondersteunen, zowel voor zichzelf als voor hun team





Inova Consultancy Ltd (UK) provides a flexible consultancy service that responds to the needs of organisations and individuals internationally in the area of diversity, equal opportunities and entrepreneurship. Inova has specialist experience in the development and delivery of coaching and mentoring programmes in the UK and on an international level for women in a range of fields, including entrepreneurship, management and STEM.

Inova’s employees and associates combine experience and qualifications in organisational development, psychology, mentoring and coaching in addition to bringing in best practices from across Europe to assist organisations and individuals in the field of personal and business development.

Partner's website: www.inovaconsult.com




CARDET is one of the leading research and development centers in the Mediterranean region with global expertise in project design and implementation, capacity building, and e-learning. CARDET is independently affiliated with universities and institutions from around the world, such as Yale University and the International Council of Educational Media. CARDET has completed numerous projects relating to the development of capacity building and planning in social justice, e-Learning, educational technology, skills and gaps assessments in educational institutions, civic engagement, social integration, and development of organisational and technological solutions. CARDET brings together an international team of experts with decades of global expertise in research, foresight, educational technology, instructional design, e-Learning, professional capacity building, design thinking, innovation, social and economic integration and human resource development.

Partner's website: www.cardet.org




Obelisk is a training and coaching company. We advise organisations, employees and job seekers throughout their process of change and development. Together with our client, we construct a long-term perspective. Obelisk also has its own coordination centre that mainly focuses on the coordination and follow up of development and training paths. We have 20 years of expertise in the area of training and development. In these 20 years we have worked for different organisations: government institutions, banks, universities, SME’s, industrial and chemical sector, etc.
All our interventions are based on four main principles:

  • Experiential Learning
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Process-oriented approach
  • Don’t learn by heart, feel it in your heart

Partner's website: www.obelisk.be




VAMK is a modern and international University of Applied Sciences situated in Vaasa, Finland. VAMK provides high level theoretical and practical oriented education in Finnish and in English, both at Bachelor level in full-time and part-time education as well as professional Master´s degree level. Our strengths are in energy technology and international business competence and in these fields we are in close cooperation with Vaasa region’s energy sector. Health care and social services emphasises multi-professionality, acquiring new technologies, and adopting the right attitude for developing working life.

Partner's website: www.puv.fi