The Regional Council of Ostrobothnia, together with universities and development companies, organised a SMART GROWTH TOOLS event on Europe Day, May 9, 2019 in Technobothnia, Vaasa. The target group of the event was especially companies from the Ostrobothnia region.
The event began with a joint session presenting financing opportunities for business development and investment (Business Finland, ELY Center). In addition, Technobothnia's activities and preliminary research platforms at the University of Vaasa were introduced.
The afternoon focused on presenting the results of the various funding program projects at the so-called mini fair. The mini-fair was organised in Technobothnia's corridors. In addition, various Technobothnia laboratories were presented to companies simultaneously. The purpose of the mini-fair was to present the activities and results of the projects to companies and to present opportunities for companies to cooperate with universities, for example through projects. The opportunity was to offer a good opportunity to network and find new partners in the business sector.
The Mindful Managers project was presented by a poster produced by Suvi Kallio and Sanna Saikkonen. There were also project newsletters and flyers available. Unfortunately, the event and third transnational meeting were on the same day, and project personnel could not be present by the table.