

be active



Get Your 5 A Day-
Mindfulness and Mental
Wellbeing at Work:
Training and Games
for Public Sector Managers


Connect with the people around you. Building these connections will support and enrich you every day. Training activities will include ways for Managers to build connections and support at work.

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Take Notice

take notice

Be curious. This habit includes the idea of Mindfulness and hypnotherapy elements, as well as positive psychology activities such as keeping a gratitude diary. It also includes elements from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, such as enabling learners to accept struggles and negative aspects of work.

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keep learning

Try something new. This habit includes training managers in coaching techniques to encourage creativity and innovation in their approaches to supporting and maintaining their own mental health and wellbeing at work as well as co-workers'.

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Keep Learning
Be active

be active

Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. Garden. Dance. Exercise because it makes you feel good. Training activities include physical exercise that can be built into Managers' working moments e.g. yoga, stretches. Something that the whole team can take part in together.

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Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. This habit includes introducing managers to theories behind civility and incivility at work and their consequences. It also promotes ways of behaving civilly and develop this in teams.

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